
Mission - "LightHeartRN serves the nursing profession by providing career coaching to nurses which will reignite their inner soul and passion for healing others."

Wow, so grateful that you have chosen to join me on this journey to nurture nurses with love, kindness & compassion. My nursing career started almost 30 years ago and it has been a great ride, kind of like that roller coaster ride we all take when we are a kid. Both start with excitement & fear, continue with bumps & sudden turns, then the ride gets to a point where the bottom of the steep hill feels like a cliff but you plunge into the abyss anyway hoping for the best.  To your delight, when the ride levels to a place with smooth solid ground you are filled with joy and a spiritual calm comes over your body and soul. The ride was spectacular and you thank your higher power with all your might and feel a huge amount of gratitude that your underwear are still dry….. you love that exhilarating feeling but it is exhausting. Yes…..nursing is exhausting, plain butt exhausting ! Woo Hoo!

Yes, believe it or not I would still jump onto the nursing roller coaster ride and hang on for dear life and nearly wet my pants from laughing too hard, loving too much & having the crap scared out of me. Nursing has taken me to great places in my life both professionally and spiritually. I look forward to more growth every day and would be honored to have you join me on this journey. – LightHeartRN


Kelly Whitver

Lightheart RN Articles

Wanna BE happier????

Just be ….. spend 5 minutes a day just being you… pressure… titles…… just be you. Feel what it is like to be you and I’m telling you that you will be amazed at the beauty within your heart and soul. When you spend the time to just be and to be with yourself....

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  I feel like I am afraid of something, and I am not sure what that something is, what “it” looks like or how to not be afraid of it…… “It” doesn’t have a face or body or soul, it’s not giving me any hints so I can see “it” but I know it is there, lurking in the...

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Survive and Thrive in Nursing

The nursing profession needed help a long time before the pandemic. Ask any nurse what the profession is like  & my bet is that there would be many different answers but that most nurses will likely roll their eyes and say...... "It's kinda like living in...

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