Meet the Light Heart RN – Kelly Whitver
My nursing career has led me to see the light in all people and in myself. My journey has not been as easy as you might think, it has been full of joy with some low spots that led to personal growth and an even greater love for nursing.
I’d like to share my journey with you and share in your professional growth as well. There is so much we can learn from each other to promote personal and professional growth. Our inner nursing goddesses need love and nurturing so that we can continue to spread love and healing to our communities. We can grow within so that our light will shine on others.
Please join me as I begin Light Heart RN blog. Let’s make it a fun space to talk freely and with lots of love in our hearts. Together we can get through the tough times and learn from each other. We can also work on seeing the light within ourselves so that we can promote healing.

Lightheart RN Articles
Wanna BE happier????
Just be ….. spend 5 minutes a day just being you… pressure… titles…… just be you. Feel what it is like to be you and I’m telling you that you will be amazed at the beauty within your heart and soul. When you spend the time to just be and to be with yourself....
I feel like I am afraid of something, and I am not sure what that something is, what “it” looks like or how to not be afraid of it…… “It” doesn’t have a face or body or soul, it’s not giving me any hints so I can see “it” but I know it is there, lurking in the...
Survive and Thrive in Nursing
The nursing profession needed help a long time before the pandemic. Ask any nurse what the profession is like & my bet is that there would be many different answers but that most nurses will likely roll their eyes and say...... "It's kinda like living in...